Frequently Asked Questions
What are the courthouse hours?
The courthouse is open from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. It
is closed from noon to 1:00 PM for lunch.
The courthouse is also closed on various government holidays. To see
specific dates in which it is closed, visit the
courthouse calendar.
Personal Property
When are personal property tax assessment lists mailed & who do I contact if I have not received a list?
Assessments for the year are mailed in early January and are due to be returned by March 1st of that same year. If you do not receive an assessment list by January 21st, please contact our personal property office at (660) 438-5473. Our contact information is available here.
Does my assessment have to be mailed to your office? Can I file my assessments online?
Our office does furnish a self-addressed envelope for your convenience in returning the form. The form may be mailed or delivered in person. Our system is not currently able to accept the assessment by fax or email.
If I moved to Benton County recently, will I assess in Benton County or in my previous county?
Personal property taxes are assessed based on January 1st of each year. Therefore, if you were a resident of Benton County on January 1st, you will need to assess in our county. If you did not move to Benton County until after January 1st, you will assess in the previous county and then contact our office to be added to our mailing list for the next year.
Do I need to list the VIN of each of my vehicles?
No. We are required to enter the VIN if possible; however, we are usually able to obtain this information from the Department of Revenue. Thus, it is not necessary for you to list those numbers on the form.
How is personal property valued/assessed in Missouri?
Most personal property is assessed at 33 1/3% of the average trade-in value of the item. The only exceptions are farm equipment (12% of value) & airplanes (5% of value).
If I buy or sell a vehicle during the year, do I need to notify the Assessor's office?
No. Missouri law states that you are assessed for items you owned as of January 1st of each year. When you receive your assessment for the following year, you will mark through any item that has been sold or add any item that was purchased during the previous year.
I would like to discuss issues with the county Commissioners.
The commissioners are always glad to meet with the public and discuss any issues they have. They have weekly meetings on Mondays starting at 9am (unless it is a holiday, then meeting is held on the next day). If you would like to be placed on the agenda, please call the County Clerk at: (660) 438-7326.