Benton County Central Dispatch (911)

Application for Employment

Click here to download an application for employment.

How to Apply for a New Address in Benton County, MO

To apply for a 911 address at Benton County Central Dispatch, located at 1231 Hirsch Parkway, Warsaw, MO, during normal business hours of Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM.

What you need:

  • Parcel number for the property
  • plan for where your driveway will be placed
  • copy of the GIS map detailing location of proposed property

Once 911 has your GPS coordinates they will send off for your new address, which will tape approximately 2-3 business days. Once the address is returned, a member of the 911 staff will contact you by phone with the information. A paper copy can be picked up or mailed upon request.

Upon receipt of your 911 address, you may place an order for your address sign.

Note: As of January 1, 2024, the current prices for signs are as follows. $30.00 1 sided, $45.00 2 sided. 1 small 5/5" bracket is $15.00, 1 large 12" bracket is $20.00. Cash only at the dispatch station.

Guidelines for Displaying your Address Sign

The sign must be placed in front of residence.

If you put the sign at your mailbox, the mailbox must be at the entrance of the residence.

Note: If your mailbox is on the opposite side of the road or not at the entrance to you residence, emergency personnel may not be able to locate you in the event of an emergency.

Road Sign Down Report

To report a street sign as down or missing, please fill out the form here.

Jessica Mayfield, Director

Contact Central Dispatch


1231 Hirsch Parkway
P.O. Box 999
Warsaw, MO 65355

Phone: (660) 438-9555

Non-Emergency Line: ext.1
Mapping, Susie James: ext. 2
Emergency Management, Mark Richerson: ext. 3
TAC Officer, Brenda Hilburn: ext. 4
Director, Jessica Mayfield: ext. 5
Fax: (660) 438-6012
Email Central Dispatch